NY-22 Minute: Richard Hanna Provides Scathing Critique of Tenney By Luke Perry

NY-22 Minute: Richard Hanna Provides Scathing Critique of Tenney By Luke Perry

This morning former NY-22 Congressman Richard Hanna (R) discussed his reaction to comments by Representative Claudia Tenney that mass murderers are Democrats on Keeler in the Morning with host Bill Keeler. Hanna expressed concern about Tenney’s “representation of our community,” which he described as “pathetic.” 

Photo by Stephen D. Cannerelli

Photo by Stephen D. Cannerelli

Hanna believes that Representative Tenney’s comments were “careless,” “full of anger and hate,” “callous” and “selfish.” Representative Tenney is paid “to work together” and “get things done,” not to produce “hate speech” and “bigotry.” Tenney is "untethered" and "makes enemies with virtually everyone."

According to Hanna, Tenney is a “pariah to Republicans” and has “made herself a Democratic fundraiser.” Hanna believes her recent comments are just another example of how Representative Tenney "can't wait to get her face on TV."

"The tax bill she lauds," Hanna explained, "expires for the average person in a few years and "is not helpful for New York" because it will force "more people to leave" with those left behind paying the bill. 

Hanna closed the interview criticizing Tenney's vote against net neutrality, which he described as offensive on "every level."  This violation of "internet freedom," Hanna explained,  is "criminal" and contrary to the principals of conservatism.


Claudia Tenney unsuccessfully challenged Hanna in the 2014 NY-22 Republican primary. Hanna has only expressed limited public critiques of Representative Tenney since her election last year, following Hanna's retirement after serving from 2011 to 2017.

Political insiders from both parties have long thought Richard Hanna may endorse Anthony Brindisi at some point. This now appears likely after today’s comments.

A Republican Party divided between Hanna and Tenney factions will complicate Representative Tenney's reelection prospects in what already looks to be a tight race. 


Full audio to Bill Keeler’s interview with Richard Hanna is available here.

 Updated 8:08pm February 23, 2018.



Luke Perry (@PolSciLukePerry) is Chair and Professor of Government at Utica College. 

Read the NY-22 Minute for timely and comprehensive analysis of the campaign. 



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NY-22 Minute: Tenney States Many Mass Murderers Are Democrats By Luke Perry

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