Quick Pitch: Transgender Ban Seeks to Excite Base By Jerome Mileur

Quick Pitch: Transgender Ban Seeks to Excite Base By Jerome Mileur

It has become painfully clear that President Trump has no idea of how to govern, but he is very good at disruption and destabilizing things. His attack on the transgendered in the military is only the latest example.

It makes sense only as a cynical move to excite approval from his base and put the political onus on the Democrats to oppose discrimination which the President no doubt believes will be a huge negative. What better target for a bully than a vulnerable group that cannot easily mobilize public defense?


Jerry Mileur is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at The University of Massachusetts at Amherst. His most recent book, "The Stars are Back; The St. Louis Cardinals, the Boston Red Sox, and Player Unrest in 1946" (Southern Illinois University Press, 2013) combines his love for baseball and politics.

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Can the GOP Gain Senate Seats in States Trump Won? Preliminary Analysis of Joe Manchin By Paul Joyce

Can the GOP Gain Senate Seats in States Trump Won? Preliminary Analysis of Joe Manchin By Paul Joyce